“Integrity is the essence of everything successful.”
- R. Buckminster Fuller
- (US engineer and architect, 1895-1983)
- Our Mission, Vision & Values!
- And why it matters!
In today’s fast paced, seemingly always changing business world filled with a steady stream of new technology tools to support your sales and marketing; you don’t have time to hire help that is still trying to find itself.
Sure, being an avid learner and a quick study is crucial for a sales and marketing firm like Finding Prime. But making decisions is not as much about what you know, as much as it is about having the confidence that goes with experience. This combined with a clearly defined purpose is what is needed to take decisive action.
These are the kinds of things I look for in a partnership, and I thought you might too. That is why I have published below my firm’s Mission, Vision & Values.
Just a note, before you think me schizophrenic. You will frequently hear me say, “I”, along with “We”. The reason is that even though “I” may have built the firm and created the below statements. All members of the firm agree with and abide by the principles they stand for.
Our Mission
Finding Prime Inc, was created because its Founder, Matthew Fiorenza, recognized the growing need for people in business to acquire more personal one on one help in the area of improving their sales and marketing strategies.
(We recognize the incredible value of books and online training platforms created by experts), but nothing can replace working directly with an expert who takes a personal interest in you and your business. Like most, we apply proven strategies, but unlike most, we take the time to learn about the nuances of your business so our efforts get maximum results.
We also recognize that taking responsibility for implementation of sales and marketing campaigns is rare in the consulting business. That is why we work to earn your trust by doing just that.
Our goal is to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have highly skilled professionals holding themselves accountable to deliver on what they promise. Living up to this is at the very core of our values.
Our mission is to simply help our clients make more money. To do it with an educational consultative approach, holding ourselves to the highest standards of service, while building business relationships that last.
Our Core Values
These core values are the foundation of the way we conduct ourselves and the values we look for in the people we want to do business with.
In essence, these values are the intention behind the actions that determine the success of the work we do with you.
Here is what we value
- relationships and business agreements where everyone wins.
- open honest communication that can always be backed up by actions.
- excellence in behavior, superior quality in our work.
- delivering the desired results and deadlines that are met.
- the passion we have (ours and our clients) for our services, products and professions.
- sticking with the people and plans we commit to.
We will fulfill our mission and vision because we help you fulfill yours.
Founders Vision
One day I was discussing with my financial advisor my long term business plan. I asked him what the best legal entity for my business was.
He remarked that one of the purposes of a corporation is so that the business itself survives you. That it can be continually passed down through generations of family, to individuals who may purchase it or live on through shareholders.
I felt at that moment he provided me with a legal way to ensure the reputation and legacy I am building would remain long after I was gone. This moment gave me resolve.
I don’t want to be known as a company that grew the fastest, or grew to be biggest or even most wealthy. Success in every form is always welcome, but that is not what I am building this company for.
Here is the Vision
My vision is that Finding Prime will be well known for being a sales and marketing firm that made the most money for its clients, which took only its fair share, and always delivered on what it promised.
Matthew Fiorenza,
Founder, Finding Prime, Inc